Zarafa Installation Instructions for Synology NAS – Zarafa wiki.
Don’t forget to restart the Mailserver and not just the Zarafa process. You can do that through the Synology web interface -> installed packages
Hints and Tips
Zarafa Installation Instructions for Synology NAS – Zarafa wiki.
Don’t forget to restart the Mailserver and not just the Zarafa process. You can do that through the Synology web interface -> installed packages
Good guide can be found here:
How to Format External Hard Disk to exFAT Filesystem in Ubuntu.
Don’t forget to run the commands as root (sudo)
VLSub is not working with Vlc 2.1.x on any platform because the lua “net” module needed to interact with opensubtitles has been removed in this release for the extensions.
We will install a daily build from Videolan, but we will need some custom PPA’s for that. Use at your own risk.
PPA Videolan for vlc and vlc-nox: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/master-daily
PPA Motumedia for latest versions of libavcodec55 and libavutil53: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:motumedia/libav10- trusty
sudo apt-get update
I think aptitude is more friendly then apt-get, whatever…
sudo aptitude install vlc sudo apt-get install vlc
For debugging, you can use this commands to see where aptitude is getting its packages from:
apt-cache policy vlc vlc-nox libavcodec55 libavutil53 apt-cache showpkg vlc
VLSub will be auto installed and functional withing VLC
This can be done for both dynamic and static websites. It will save a copy of the website on disk, and will modify the links inside the HTML to point to the local pages.
wget -m -k -K -E <>
The setup is straightforward, but there are a few pitfalls.
220 <$hostname.$domainname> ESMTP Postfix
This name could be the name as defined in the MX DNS record for your domain. But this is not a requirement.
If your domain is high on the SPAM blacklist, add the name you would get with a reverse DNS lookup. These are not necessarily the same.
The configuration files for the HTTP deamon can be found in:
Several configuration files are recreated when you restart the HTTP service, so pay attention to which files are going to be edited.
The ‘source’ for the httpd.conf is httpd.conf-user in /usr/syno/apache/conf. But it might be cleaner to edir one of the included config files inside the /etc/httpd/conf/extra directory
The HTTP deamon can be restarted with:
/usr/syno/sbin/synoservicecfg --restart httpd-user /usr/syno/sbin/synoservicecfg --restart httpd-sys
There are more services that can be restarted with the same tool. For a complete list, look at
/usr/syno/sbin/synoservicecfg --list
There is a Synology package available that helps for easy installation, but it is based on an old version of Z-push. Better start a clean installation with the latest version. The installation notes can be found here:
Download the latest version from and install it in /usr/share/z-push.
Log files can go to /var/log/z-push and settings can go to /var/lib/z-push.
Make sure all directories have owner http:http and correct writing permissions. Also add these directories to the open_basedir variable of PHP, which you can find in:
Control panel -> web services -> PHP settings
Modifications to config.php are minimal. Add the time-zone and if any of the default directories was changed, modify it here.
z-push-admin.php and z-push-top.php are executables and help you with the administration of Z-push. Run them without options to see if your installation is correct.
We need to define a redirection alias for the Z-push directory. This can be done in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/rhttpd-ssl.conf-user. Add the following line inside the :443 directive.
Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /usr/share/z-push/index.php
This way, the directive is only valid on the SSL secured http connection, and not in the normal one.
Restart the server to see the effects.
The backup can be done while the sever is running. For restoring, the server must be stopped first.
Backup with mysqldunp:
mysqldump -u root -p <password> -h localhost --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction --databases zarafa > zarafa.dump.sql
Restore with mysql
mysql -u root -p <password> zarafa < zarafa.dump.sql
Sometimes the dump was created with chunks bigger then the server accepts:
ERROR 1153 (08S01) at line 6734: Got a packet bigger than ‘max_allowed_packet’ bytes
Then open a terminal with mysql -u root
and enter the following
mysql -u root
set global net_buffer_length=1000000;
set global max_allowed_packet=1000000000;
Leave the terminal open, and use the following in a new terminal:
mysql -u root -p <password> --max_allowed_packet=100M zarafa < zarafa.dump.sql
Don’t forget the attachments, since they are saved separately. Backup with:
tar -zcvf zarafa_attachment.tar.gz /var/lib/zarafa/
And restore the attachments with:
tar -zxvf zarafa_attachement.tar.gz rm -rf /var/lib/zarafa/* mv var/lib/zarafa/* /var/lib/zarafa chown -R zarafa:zarafa /var/lib/zarafa